The Complete Guide to Fasting – Now Available

Picture of Dr. Jason Fung
Dr. Jason Fung

I’m happy to finally be able to say that my book The Complete Guide to Fasting is now available in Canada and the United States. The Kindle version should be available very soon, and the audiobook will be released in several months.

I co-authored this book with Jimmy Moore, who has written several international best-sellers already – Cholesterol Clarity, Keto Clarity and The Ketogenic Cookbook. I first met Jimmy in Cape Town, South Africa during the Low Carb Summit in 2015. Jimmy was familiar with fasting, having tried it a few times himself and also writing about it very briefly in Keto Clarity.

Most of the speakers there follow the Low Carb, High Fat or Ketogenic approach, but I tend to use incorporate intermittent fasting quite extensively in my Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) program. There are many synergies between the two approaches. Both have the goal of lowering insulin, which I believe as the key drive of obesity. However, intermittent fasting tends to be more powerful than LCHF diets since it restricts everything. Also, people who follow ketogenic diets find that fasting is quite a natural extension of their diet. Since their body is already fat-adapted, there is a far easier transition to fasting and most people find that it is very easy.

Further, fasting brought many advantages not found in traditional diets. It was very easy to understand. It had a long history – the oldest dietary intervention. It was free (actually saves money). It doesn’t take time (it actually saves time – cooking, cleaning, shopping). It was powerful. It was simple (just don’t eat).

We’ve been using intermittent fasting in the IDM program for over 5 years and have supervised over 1000 patients with this approach with tremendous success. It’s not an approach that everybody likes, but it represents an important option for those willing to give it a try. There are virtually no other clinics in the world that offer this detailed knowledge of fasting. I suspect that we have more experience with fasting than anybody else in the world. By a factor of 4 or 5.

After the conference, I started talking with Jimmy, who became interested in fasting again and thought he might give it a more serious try. I had just finished writing  The Obesity Code . While it did mention fasting in the last chapter, the focus of that book was understanding the underlying causes of obesity. There were still many things people kept asking.

How to fast. Common problems. Who should not fast. Different types of fasting. Different lengths of fast. Will I lose muscle. Will I go into starvation mode. There were endless questions not answered by my first book. These were issues that Megan Ramos, my IDM program director and I deal with daily.

One day, Jimmy asked me what was the best book to read about intermittent and extended fasting. I’ve read everything available. I’ve read all the studies. I’ve read everything online. This is not actually very difficult because there is really nothing out there. So, that’s what I told him. There were basically no good books on intermittent fasting. Some books dealt with fasting from a spiritual perspective.

But there was nothing that a regular person could go to their bookstore and buy a book that discussed fasting as a therapeutic option in a serious manner. So we decided that we needed to write it.

We scoured the globe for the other leading experts, including Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Abel James, Megan Ramos, Amy Berger, and Dr. Thomas Seyfried, who all agreed to lend their expertise to this important venture. Together, we’ve put together what I believe to be the definitive guide to fasting, the ‘Bible’ of fasting that will be able to guide many people through this journey.

Fasting Resources

I believe this book will be a tremendous resource but there are also many great fasting resources available online, as well. On my blog,, I have written an extensive series of posts on fasting starting with Part 1, A History, and lasting 26 parts so far. All that information is completely for free, if you can put up with my occasional ‘salty’ language and propensity to say exactly what I think.

If you think you need a personal dietary counsellor to help you achieve your goal, I’ve also set up a program for that, too. You can join The Fasting Method to connect with one of our counsellors who have guided hundreds of patients through LCHF diets and fasting. There is a fee for this service, but we’ve kept it as low as possible ($500 Canadian per year). We provide this program online, so it can be delivered anywhere in the world. We have literally more experience with helping people fasting than anybody else in the world.

Together,  we are dedicated to healing the world, one person at a time. We’ve put enormous resources online, mostly for free, along with books, videos, blogs, and even personal coaching. There is nothing to stop you from taking back control of your health from the drug companies and the charlatans who have ruined it. It’s a revolution – the nutrition revolution!

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By The Fasting Method

For many health reasons, losing weight is important. It can improve your blood sugars, blood pressure and metabolic health, lowering your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. But it’s not easy. That’s where we can help.


Fasting Coaching

Coaching Plans with our Expert Fasting Coaches

  • Receive expert guidance on fasting, nutritional strategies and healthy habits
  • For individuals who are looking to lose weight and would like frequent contact with peer and coaching support
  • One complimentary Intake Assessment per client
  • Please review the coach’s bios and watch the videos to determine which coach is the best fit for your Intake Assessment

Single Session

$199 USD


  • One 45-minute 1-on-1 session

Mini Coaching

$749 USD


  • Six 60-minute group sessions, up to 4 participants
  • One 1-on-1 sessions
  • Three-month coaching program


  • Three-months community access ($133 value)

Group Coaching

$1299 USD


  • Twelve 60-minute group sessions, up to 4 participants
  • Two 1-on-1 sessions
  • Six-month coaching program


  • Six months community access ($245 value)

One-on-One Coaching

$1249 USD


  • Seven 30-minute 1-on-1 sessions ($1596 value)
  • One 45-minute 1-on-1 session
  • Six-month coaching program


  • Six months community access ($245 value)

Executive Coaching

Coaching Plans with our Expert Executive Coaches

  • Personalized fasting and nutritional plans catered to your health needs, goals and lifestyle
  • This program is designed for those looking to improve metabolic health and tackle their mindset and behavior challenges
  • One complimentary Intake Assessment per client
  • Please review the coach’s bios and watch the videos to determine which coach is the best fit for your Intake Assessment

Single Session

$399 USD


  • One 45-minute 1-on-1 session

Mini Plan

$999 USD


  • Six 60-minute group sessions, up to 4 participants
  • One 1-on-1 sessions
  • Three months community access ($122 value)
  • Three-month coaching program

Group Plan

$1799 USD


  • Twelve 60-minute group sessions, up to 4 participants
  • Two 1-on-1 sessions
  • Six months community access ($245 value)
  • Six-month coaching program

Standard Plan

$1499 USD


  • Four 45-minute 1-on-1 sessions ($1596 value)
  • Six months community access ($245 value)
  • Six-month coaching program

Ultimate Plan

$2699 USD


  • Eight 45-minute 1-on-1 sessions ($3192 value)
  • Six months community access ($245 value)
  • Six-month coaching program

Ultimate Combo

$2699 USD


  • Four 45-minute Metabolic Coaching Sessions
  • Four 45-minute Behavioral Coaching Sessions ($3192 value)
  • Six months community access ($245 value)
  • Six-month coaching program

The Diabetes Code Cookbook

Delicious, healthy, low-carb recipes to manage your insulin and prevent and reverse Type 2 Diabetes

By Jason Fung, MD

Life in the Fasting Lane

Making intermittent fasting a lifestyle

By Jason Fung, MD, Eve Mayer, Megan Ramos

The PCOS Plan

Prevent and reverse polycystic ovary syndrome through diet and fasting

By Nadia Brito Pateguana, ND, Jason Fung, MD

The Cancer Code

A revolutionary new understanding of a medical mystery

By Jason Fung, MD

The Longevity Solution

Rediscovering centuries-old secrets to a healthy, long life

By James DiNicolantonio, PhD, Jason Fung, MD

The Complete Guide to Fasting

Heal your body through intermittent, alternate-day, & extended fasting

By Jason Fung, MD and Jimmy Moore

The Obesity Code

Unlocking the secrets of weight loss

By Jason Fung, MD

The Essential Guide to Intermittent Fasting for Women

Balance your hormones to lose weight, lower stress, and optimize health

By Megan Ramos

The Diabetes Code Journal

The official workbook for reversing Type 2 diabetes through healthy eating and fasting

By Jason Fung, MD