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Lisa Chance
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Book Club Check-In
“Defeat Your Cravings: The Back Door to Weight Loss,” by Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.
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Best Fats for Cooking
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Cohort Week 2 Support Group
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Book Club Check-In
“Two Meals a Day: The Simple, Sustainable Strategy to Lose Fat, Reverse Aging, & Break Free from Diet Frustration Forever,” by Mark Sisson
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Holiday Meal Plating Strategies
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How to Maintain Your Weight During the Holidays
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Weight Loss Q&A
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Intermittent Fasting Q&A
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Fat Fasting to Get Back on Track
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Book Club Check-In
“In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addition,” by Gabor Maté. ⭐Chapter 29 – “The Power of Compassionate Curiosity” pages 349-359
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