Book an Intake Assessment

During the complimentary 15 minute call you will discuss your goals and determine your eligibility for the Coaching Program.

Book your session with a coach below by selecting someone who resonates with you. You can read their brief bios as well as watch a short video to learn more about them. Once you've made a selection click on the "Book One Free Intake Assessment" button.

Fasting Coaches

Bethany Macri

Fasting Coach

  • NBHWC Certified Health Coach

  • Lost 60 pounds and reversed autoimmune condition

  • Healed from chronic reactivated Epstein-Barr

  • M.S. Clinical Nutrition (In progress)

Larry Diamond, MSc

Fasting Coach

  • Masters of Science (Honors)

  • TFM Certified Health Coach

  • Lost 120 pounds

  • Reversed metabolic syndrome

Jill McMurrey

Fasting Coach

  • TFM Certified Health Coach

  • Reversed prediabetes

  • Reduced inflammation, arthritis pain and side effects from menopause

  • Improved mental clarity, anxiety and depression