Fast vs. Slow Carbs - Why it Matters - It's the Insulin

Dr. Jason Fung breaks down how all carbs are not the same.

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Changing Fast Carbs to Slow Carbs for Weight Loss

Discover the secrets behind carbohydrates and weight loss!

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Eat Less Refined Carbs for Weight Loss

Discover the secrets to weight loss and better health by cutting refined carbohydrates!

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Why we're Magnesium Deficient and How to Supplement

Delve into the staggering fact that 50-85% of Americans miss out on the recommended magnesium levels, potentially paving the way for heart disease and more.

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Why Food Order Matters

Dr. Jason Fung reviews the studies showing how the order in which you eat your food plays a huge role in the metabolic effect.

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Top 3 Breakfast Mistakes

Dr. Jason Fung discusses common breakfast misconceptions.

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Does Exercise Make Us Hungry?

Dr. Jason Fung looks at the science behind exercise and hunger.

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Why Salt Does NOT Increase Risk of Heart Disease

Is a low salt diet really healthy? The surprising result of decades of clinical research is that when looking at hard outcomes, a low salt diet may actually increase the risk of heart disease.

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Is Salt Actually Bad For You?

Does eating salt cause high blood pressure? The surprising truth behind the low salt diet.

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Snacking - The Cardinal Sin of Weight Loss

Dr. Jason Fung discusses three major reasons why snacking sabotages weight loss.

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Why all Diets Work...For a While

Dr. Jason Fung reveals the secret behind most diets and how understanding this can lead to insights into the obesity epidemic.

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Processed Vs. Natural Foods

Processed foods play a huge, largely under recognized role in obesity and weight gain. Processed foods cause obesity as our bodies often over eat these foods. There are no natural satiety signals in these processed foods. Fasting often helps us get around the problem of processed foods.

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Is Skipping Breakfast Healthy

Skipping breakfast is often considered a very unhealthy choice. But is this really true? Does skipping breakfast cause weight gain? Dr. Jason Fung reviews the scientific evidence behind the breakfast question to reveal the key takeaways.

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